Let me guess, you are reading this edition of “Strengthening Your Leadership” either in the middle of a hectic day or at night after having experienced a hectic day.  In other words, your days are hectic.  (To wit your response is likely, “Thank you Captain Obvious.”)

Leaders are busy people. Leaders get pulled into situations which are not expected. Leaders drive action.  Leaders set the tone for the organization.  Leaders make decisions which are necessary to help the organization achieve its strategic objectives.

(And now back to writing in the second person) – As a leader, you are “pushed and pulled”  by the tasks of the day.  Fire after fire.  Even if you are the best at managing your calendar, you are still busy focusing on work-related tasks throughout the day.

Yet, as a leader, you are expected to formulate strategy, design execution, develop your team members, communicate the vision and the culture, and anticipate market changes.  These “high level” activities all require thought and thinking. You are being paid to think.

So when do you take time to think?  When do you push away from your computer and your home office and just think?

Schedule this time.  60 minutes a day.  Even if you need to put it on your calendar as a recurring meeting.  In order to be the best leader you can be, you will need to spend time in unstructured thought.

There is a reason some of the best ideas come while showering or running. Both allow you time to think.

Go Forth and Lead!