Yesterday was the election. I suspect we do not know who won yet (I am writing this on the day of the election).  Regardless of whom won or whether or not we know, I ask, “Do you know what has changed?”  My answer:  N-O-T-H-I-N-G.

That’s right, as a leader of your organization (unless you are the leader of a political party), your role, your job, and your responsibilities have not changed.  In fact, they are not likely to change anytime soon as a result of the election.

Now, you can’t be ignorant of the divisiveness the election has caused among your team members.  So your job now is to focus each of them on accomplishing the strategic objectives you laid out for the remainder of 2020 and to begin the planning and budgeting process for 2021.  Your job as a leader is to lead…is to focus the set direction and to execute.  (Remember, there are only 3 things a leader needs to do! )

If you do these things and do them well, then regardless of the outcome of the election, you will have properly positioned your organization for success.