There are many leadership development opportunities for those of us wishing to improve ourselves, including but not limited to:

      • Reading magazines
      • Reading books
      • Listening to podcasts
      • Taking online courses
      • Watching webinars
      • Participating in virtual sessions
      • Attending conferences
      • Enrolling in classroom-type instruction

Each of these has a role in our development, and yet, as we look at this list, we observe that these are all “practice” situations.  In other words, none of these provides the real-world, real-time, applied experience which is so necessary for improving one’s leadership skills.

There is, however, one opportunity which can give you real-world, real-time leadership experience:  **Joining a Nonprofit Board of Directors**

As a nonprofit board member you have immediate leadership responsibilities and obligations which give you real experiences, not textbook.  These experiences will make you a better leader in every aspect of your life.

I encourage you to consider joining a nonprofit board of directors as part of your long-term leadership development strategy.